framework by luttje
2-27-25: pkmn presents was great! I celebrated pokemon day in my own little way since I was a bit too tired to do anything major..also which, I might be making my own webring, hehe.
2-26-25: so that last entry was just a big fat lie. Pokemon presents tmmw!! I can't even sugarcoat my excitement rnnnnn
2-21-25: been pretty busy lately .. not much time to work on da site :(
2-15-25: shrine revamp done. I'm gonna start moving some of these entries to the archive soon
2-14-25: happy v day it's almosyt mid night and i cant sleep. also im gonna revamp the shrine to make it more shrine-like so bare with me . no not as a distraction what r u talking about lolz ....
2-13-25: it's midnight lol I'm getting sorta better with talking ! Usually I find it very hard to verbally speak (painful, even) but I managed to talk tf out with THREE randoms on a call
2-12-25: ok ended up going to the gym late at night, scary (im not becoming a gym bro it's for my back). Playing Emerald and decided to replace Sableye with sorry little one
2-11-25: nothing to report on today .. skipped the gym. lazyass
2-10-25: just remembered I have a htmlcss book but it dates back what? 2011 I think ? It's still relevant tho. I should use it more
beep boop This is the start of my (actual) blog page! I'm using this CSS framework for it, which is also listed at the top.
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