welcome to da pokemon shrine

* this site may be basic but it's still made with lots of love

What is pokemon?

You know what it is. If not: here are a bunch of resources about it

How did I discover it?

Pokepark! I was 7 and curious abt my step-brothers games (fun fact: sonic was my special interest at this time) so I asked mother to buy it for me. That pretty much sealed my fate. Pokepark 2 and Pokemon Brick Bronze on roblox dug the grave even deeper.

Why do I like it so much?

Time to get up close and personal! My childhood was very hard. Esp around middle school, as I was bullied relentlessly & thought I was inhuman as nobody bothered teaching me what autism was, let alone that I had it. That mixed in with other unlisted factors, the series comforted me in many ways. I was considered obsessed with PKMN to an unhealthy extent & encouraged to drift away from it . Things never change. Pokemon is my #1 special interest and it is just so so important to me. My (actual) first mainlines were sun/moon and those games mean so much. So far, I've played every mainline in the series (besides BW2, in progress) and choosing a least favorite is almost impossible. Pokepark is also very dear to me. It's my biggest comfort <3

Plus, it took me way too long to properly appreciate the trainers as well. I only cared about the mons, but I firmly believe that both the pokemon & the trainers are what make the series so amazing. I love both equally!

Pkmn related web-stuff

My TCG partner // Crobat V & Bill's Analysis
Name: Amphy
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage


Regions: Alola, Johto, Kanto
Pokemon: Raichu, Cyndaquil, Flaaffy, Ampharos, Snorlax, Crobat, Pikachu, Klefki, Zeraora, Dragonite, Victreebel, Voltorb, Darkrai, Diancie, Mimikyu, Great Tusk, Calyrex
Trainers: Silver, Bill, Trace, Ethan, Bugsy, Blue, Ilima, Rika, Irida, Lana, etc
Type: Grass, Psychic, Normal
Moves: Leech Seed, Tri Attack, Calm Mind, Psychic, Lock-On, Cotton Guard, Body Press
Abilities: Static, Synchronize, Battle Armor, Defiant
Items: Soothe Bell, Rare candy, Exp candy XL, Big Root
Berries: Golden Razz Berry, Lum Berry, Oran Berry
Pokeballs: Quick Ball, Dive Ball, Ultra Ball
Cards: Crobat V, Bill's Analysis, Cheren 2012
Spin-offs: Pokepark (duh), Pokepark 2, Masters EX



my trainer figures! Silver alone was 50, so the rest being only 90 in total was suchhh a steal I'm super duper grateful

